
Country progress

D. R. Congo progress

Component 1: ground actions showed that using briquettes has proved up to 3 times cheaper than the conventional charcoal. The country, with this practical LEDS move, can save up to 5,000 ha of natural forest if the paradigm of waste to briquettes is scaled up to the national level.

Component 2: modelling forecasts showed that a shift to biogas and briquette cookstoves over BAU use of charcoal, firewood and kerosene would have environmental, social, and financial benefits. Environmentally, such a shift would preserve forests - an area of about 0.2 ha/cookstove each year. Socially, this shift would reduce indoor pollution to cut illness days by 0.52 days. Economically, at the household level, this shift would save up to 56% in average energy costs.


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The Africa LEDS project is supporting Low Emissions Development (LEDS) in Africa in the context of respective socio-economic development priorities as stipulated in country development visions & strategies and encapsulated in their respective INDCs. Africa,

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